Healing Hills Wellness Center

Healing Hills Wellness Centre is a private, residential treatment facility for accomplished, highly functioning adult men and women with substance abuse, chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our treatment is evidence based and with a clinical emphasis on the individual. Philosophically we aspire to abstinence as the ultimate goal of treatment and use a holistic approach in developing treatment which focuses on the individual’s wellness while integrating group and family therapy into their stay.


Treatment of Drug & Alcohol Addiction, Anxiety & Depression

At Healing Hills, we use a “best practice” model of care to provide services that address the “whole person” rather than a cluster of isolated complaints and symptoms. We believe in providing individuals and families with the skills and tools to help sustain long-term recovery from addiction. Our therapeutic modalities include many traditional evidenced based practices such as CBT, DBT, Motivational Interviewing and 12 Step Facilitation. Our alternative approaches include

  • Reiki
  • Massage
  • Equine Therapy
  • Aquatic Adventures – Snorkeling & Scuba
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Aerobic Exercise and Personal Training
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Meetings on the Beach

The Healing Hills Wellness Center

Through a holistic approach that combines self-help basics with emotional care and support, we help individuals and families lead drug free, fulfilling and productive lives. Family involvement and therapy is fundamental in the achievement of optimal outcomes in the recovery process. Clients receive a thorough and “whole person” diagnostic assessment, including psychological testing and medical, neurological, vocational, educational, family, spiritual and substance abuse assessments.

The facility is situated on six acres of beautifully manicured tropical hillside that provides a natural healing environment and the perfect setting for those needing a break from the rigors and pressures of an aggressive environment, to recharge their life and start a new path to personal well being and actualization. Thoughtful continuing care planning is an important aspect of our programming. A comprehensive discharge plan and ongoing alumni support are crucial components to helping individuals to lead a satisfying, full and rewarding life. Post discharge, long-term recovery is sustained through ongoing participation in recovery coaching services, case management and/or self-help support.